Usual Suspects
Things to try when something isn't working
Can't download or open the app
If you can't download an app, please check if any of the below conditions apply to you:
Android User:
Apple User:
All Users:
App or content not loading
If you are struggling to install an app or access content...Try This!
Tried everything? Please submit an App Debug Report.
Not getting emails
If you are not getting invite, activation or password reset emails from the platform, this could be due to a number of reasons. The platform uses a mail server that has a 99% uptime. If mails are not being received, please check the following:
Check with your mail supplier and whitelist the and any other platform domains (contact the platform provider).
The email may have ended up in your inbox spam/trash folder - please check.
Your inbox is full and you are unable to receive email.
The email address used to invite you was not spelled correctly - please check again carefully.
The email was received but overlooked / sender not recognised. All app invite emails are sent from the platform.
You have a platform backend account and have tried to reset your password on the app. Backend users must reset their password on the platform backend.
Web app not working
When the Progressive Web App (PWA - the app version that runs on a web browser) does not load correctly, it may be because:
1. Your browser is not up to date, or 2. You have a plugin installed that is blocking the app.
Try This!
1. Make sure your are using a compatible browser (latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari)
2. Make sure the browser is up-to-date (check latest versions).
3. If the app still does not load, open an incognito tab in your browser and open the web app link. If the web app loads then there is likely an issue with an installed plugin (possibly an ad-blocker). Check your plugins for settings that may be blocking the domain.
4. If you have checked that your plugins and your browser are compatible and up-to-date, you may be experiencing a network issue. If you are at your place of work, check with your IT team to see if they setup any protocols that would block loading the web app.
Note: If you are on a slow or weak internet connection, content (specifically video content) will take longer to load.
Untrusted Developer - what's this?
If you are on an Apple device and are trying to install a private app, you may see a message that looks something like this:
You will need to trust the app developer on your phone.
Why? This is because the app has been published privately and is not on the Apple App store. i.e. you are manually installing the app, therefore you must also manually establish trust.
What to do? Tap Settings > General > Profiles or Profiles & Device Management. Tap on “Developer Name”, then tap on “Trust Developer Name”. After doing this, the app will be installed on your device. For instructions on how to verify and trust Enterprise app developers, please view Apple's guidelines (Install custom enterprise apps on iOS).
Last updated
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